Gotham Barbeque and Bike Show

Time is running out to book your spot! 

Gotham's 2021 family Barbeque and Bike Show will take place Sunday, August 29th at 1pm at park we've reserved along the Hudson River in Westchester, about an hour North of NYC and South of Peekskill. We're looking to get a headcount for food and drinks.  This will be a great opportunity to pick up membership materials and meet other NYC Ducatisti and their families.

Kids are WELCOMED to join, and bikes are not required for this event. The cost is $50 per person thru August 17th, payable by PayPal ("Friends and Family" or you will be liable for covering an additional fee) or by Venmo to "Tigh-Loughhead". Event details will be sent to paid members.  No Refunds after August - This is a rain or shine event. 

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